Whitney Kuniholm, the president of Scripture Union, commented on the issue of biblical literacy among the Christians ( http://www.essentialbibleblog.com/2010/08/biblical-illiteracy-is-not-problem.html#comments). His solution? Bible engagement.
What is Bible engagement? Kuniholm's definition is: "On a practical level it means there are different ways to take in the Bible’s message—reading, listening, discussing, watching, acting, drawing, etc. And on a philosophical level it means there are different outcomes that can result from connecting with the Word of God."
What is the goal of Bible engagement? We will have "a sense that we've experienced the presence of the living God as we read and attempt to obey His Word." It allows us "to meet God in His Word. Because ultimately, true Bible engagement is real God engagement. And that's our deepest need." And "the Bible comes alive."
I find Kuniholm's blog encouraging and reaffirming. Some of us at EFC have been practicing "Lectio Divina" (禱讀), the ancient practice of prayerful reading of Scriptures, as a group for a while. Many have experienced a newly discovered blessing of being able to hear from the Lord through the Word (the Bible comes alive), a renewed love for the Word of God, a greater courage and freedom to obey the prompting of the Spirit, and a greater confidence and anticipation what God would do in us, among us, and through us, both as the individual disciples and as a community of faith.
It has been an exciting journey! I pray that you would join us in this journey, wherever you are!